When selecting an 전기 고기 분쇄기, it’s essential to evaluate several critical aspects to find one that suits your requirements. A key feature is the motor’s power, which is often expressed in watts or horsepower. A higher wattage or horsepower indicates a motor’s ability to process larger quantities of meat and tougher cuts more efficiently. For household use, a motor power between 300-800 watts is typically adequate, but for commercial or heavy-duty purposes, a unit with a power of 1-2 horsepower or higher may be necessary.
The size of the grinding plate or die is another significant consideration, as it influences the size of the ground meat particles. Standard sizes vary from 3/16 to 3/4 inches in diameter, with smaller dies resulting in a finer texture and larger ones producing a coarser grind. Think about the recipes and dishes you intend to prepare with the ground meat and select a grinder with the appropriate die sizes to accommodate your needs.
The build quality and sturdiness of the electric meat grinder are also important. Opt for models that feature robust, stainless steel construction, as these are more durable and easier to maintain. Additionally, scrutinize the quality of the grinding mechanism, including the auger and blades, as these are vital components that affect the grinder’s performance and lifespan.
Please check our 고기 분쇄기 to see if there is one you need. You can also consult us for more questions.
304 스테인리스 고기 절단기 기계 QE 500kg/H
냉동 고기 분쇄기
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냉동 고기 분쇄기
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냉동 고기 분쇄기
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고기 슬라이서
상업용 전기 고기 슬라이서 320KR
야채 절단기
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